Sunday, April 5, 2009

2 new grey hairs

I found myself laughing rather hysterically last night as I sat on the airplane with another puddle of Kai throw up soaking through my pants. I was very concerned for Kai. He's a real trouper. About 7 hour into the flight, he started projectile vomiting. And we were stuck with another 4 hours of turbulent flight. Anyway, I was struck by the insaneness of it all and just started laughing.
Here's Kai at the Beijing airport. yes he also threw up down the back of that chair.

We are all grateful to be on solid land again. The hotel room is much larger than I thought it would be, actually very nice.
We are taking it easy today. Just hanging out in the hotel. None of us got enough sleep last night. This was the first time Kai has ever stayed up over 24 hours. My first time since college...
We go to get Yun Zhen tomorrow at 2pm. Then go to a grocery store to get diapers and formula. I thought it would be easier to go to the grocery store first, but I guess they always do it this way.
Hoping this jet lag headache goes away before I get a screaming baby!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow!! What a beginning -- it will get better. Sorry Kai was sick...What was he sick from???

He can buy lots of stuffed animals in China

YOu are porbably picking up Kai's sister now.

Love Mom