Friday, April 3, 2009

leaving tomorrow

We leave tomorrow for our 20 hr flight to China. We are hoping for a simple day of packing and resting. Each day this week has been fraught with some sort of trial. We hope that is over for now.
We are excited, scared and very nervous. We are bringing our laptop to try to keep in contact through this blog. But we are unsure of the internet connections in China. So hopefully we will be able to post every day.


Virginia said...

Dear One Robin Road,

We will be checking in every day to see what new event, sensation, worry and delight that you post. We are with you every step and can hardly wait for you and your new daughter/sister/granddaughter to be home. Love to all you--Virginia

Dad said...

Dear One Robin Road,

I am not sure how to correctly use this blog, but we are thrilled that you have set it up.

You all looked incredibly orgagnized as you set off yesterday. We hope you arrive safely, and look forward to following your progress.

Love, Dad