Saturday, April 18, 2009

safely home

We made it back to Seattle. The plane trip was long, but everyone did well. We had to go to baggage claim 3 times on the way back, once in Beijing to transfer it all to the international flight, once at customs in Seattle, then again at baggage claim in Seattle.
Yun Zhen is now a US citizen, though we have no paperwork to back it up. We will get a Certificate of Citizenship within 45 days. Immigration suggests we get her US passport right away.
I will try to post some pictures shortly, but I am functioning on a few 1-2 hr bits of sleep over the last 36hours, so if the opportunity to sleep comes up, I will probably take it instead of posting pictures.
The grandparents met us at the airport. Was very nice. They have pictures of us bleary eyed. I was so out of it that Virginia offered to make us dinner, and about 4pm I forgot and had Jeff make dinner. Sorry Virginia. Diana drove us home, stocked our fridge (so we had makings to cook) and bought us crib sheets (I can't believe I forgot to do that!).
Even though we stayed up until 7pm, no one slept past 12:30.

1 comment:

Susan said...

So glad that you all are safely home!!! I can imagine how exhausted you guys must be. I'm happy to do any errands for you or could take Kai out to the park with Amelia or whatever is helpful. I'm sure that sleep is what you all need right now. Please let me know if there are ways that I can help or I'll try to give you a call.

Welcome Home!!!
